Metal surface treatment, polishing, chroming – with 30 years of experience
The company was founded in 1990, so it has more than three decades of experiene about the surface treatment of brass, copper, iron and stainless steel.
Our field of operation covers the following:
- refurbishing, polishing and chroming of individual items
- surface treatment of series manufactured items (e.g. lamps, chair parts)
- refurbishing, polishing, pre-chroming treatment and chroming of oldtimer cars and motorcycles
- polishing and lacquering of metal parts of house outfits, equipments (e.g. banisters, chandeliers, door handles)
Our company has a wide range of equipment in the field of surface treatment, so for all operation steps we can use a specialized machine if needed:
- polishing
- thread grinding
- pre-chroming treatment
- chroming (with the co-operation of our subcontractor)
- Motorblokkok polírozása, krómozása
- Lökhárító felújítása, krómozása
- Kipufogó csiszolás, krómozás
Műkerti stny. 39/a, 6000 – Kecskemét, Hungary
Information, quotation:
György Borsos – CEO – Hungarian only
+36 30 475 9143
Attila Borsos – Hungarian and English
+36 20 241 5199
E-mail: borsosdismant[@]gmail[pont]com
E-mail: info[@]dismant[pont]hu